Friday, January 30, 2009

Hello Again (For The Record).

So I got a Facebook page, after many moons of feeling superior to social networking in particular and virtual community in general, and now, of course, I'm addicted. What can I say? All my friends' kids are totally cute!!! So I figured that this Skeet Ulrich of a blog would just be relegated to the trashbin of Interweb anonymity. (Or, it was there already and who cares.) But then I tried posting on the Facebook page and it was rather disappointingly antiseptic...just black words on a white page. I went back and looked at this old gal and call me crazy, but it's homey. Long story short -- too late -- here we are again. (Again.)

And now, today, I settle all family business. The unblogged Top 10 of 2007! Just in time for President's Day 2009! Instant retro.

10 // Voxtrot Voxtrot
09 // Kanye West Graduation
08 // Idlewild Make Another World
07 // Amy Winehouse Back To Black
06 // Wilco Sky Blue Sky
05 // Bruce Springsteen Magic
04 // Spoon Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
03 // Arcade Fire Neon Bible
02 // Radiohead In Rainbows

01 // Feist The Reminder

In my defense, In Rainbows is up for Album of the Year at this year's Grammys. So there. I'm as culturally relevant as the Grammys.

Image generously provided by The Wubbzy Institute.

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