Monday, January 07, 2008

Top 20 of 2007: I Say "20," You Say, "Double Down"

20. The Shins Wincing The Night Away // Band of Horses Cease To Begin

Sometimes, you just gotta call it like it is: 2007 was a year full of disappointing records. I've never seen a year where so many of my favorite artists were slated to put out records, and I was freaking out at the possibilities. And then...not so much. So let's take a minute to recognize those who did not bring their "A" game in the '07. Hell, some didn't even bring their "B-" game, but that's another list. Here goes: Interpol! (Man, oh man) Bloc Party! ( hate to see it) The New Pornographers! (That one hurt) Kings of Leon! (OK, this bit is tired -- speed it up) Also not making the grade in shocking fashion were The Innocence Mission, Over The Rhine, Lucinda Williams and Patty Griffin. Notice how I threw all the ladies in at the end? Yeah, I don't know why either. But enough carping. As with any year, there were sure shots that delivered and surprises you never saw coming. That's why we do this, kids. That, and free records.

Crap. I need to get me some free records. Well, on with the show.

I know, I know: co-20s. I can already hear you: "What's the matter, sissy boy? It's not a Top 21! Why don't you try again when you're not a woman?" (Oh, I know you. You would totally call me a sissy boy. Don't act like you wouldn't. Frankly, it demeans us both.)


The bottom of the list contains, really, two halves of the same coin: The January Album That Hasn't Really Been Played Out, But Still...and The Late Bloomer That You Are Powerless To Not Spin Over And Over But May Not Give A Crap About Six Months From Now.

See? Now who's a sissy boy? What's that? Still me? Damn. Shoulda seen that comin'.

In a year chock-full of potential awesomeness, Wincing The Night Away was 2007's shot across the bow and an attempt from Portland's never-miss kids to shake things up a bit. I grow tired of people who dismiss albums for not fitting "the band's sound," as if artistic growth was something to avoid. Now, Wincing wasn't Kid A or anything, but the hushed tension and noisy release of "Sleeping Lessons" was a great counterpoint to instant-classic Shinsy goodnesses like "Turn On Me" and "Australia." Not all the choices worked -- some songs were a bit proggy, of all things -- but James Mercer's melodic sense has yet to fail him. Or us.

I fell in love with Cease To Begin in my car. I never go far enough these days to get through an entire record, but Cease clocks in at under 35 minutes. Winner. Reminiscent of last year's Everything All The Time without being repetitive, the killer melodies and hazy, spectral beauty will get under your skin. Singer Ben Bridwell still sounds way too much like Jim James of My Morning Jacket, but damn if this record doesn't make for some fine night driving music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep this up little man and you just might get yourself off of the "unupdated" list...